Friday, March 22, 2019

Get New Zealand Writing: part two.

What a blast we have been having... the children have all been so engaged and loved the hands on approach to this writing.

Here are the 13 mystery items 
we got in our tin!  

 Keep an eye out for our poems!

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Room 2 Mathematics

We have had a fantastic start to the term in Maths.

  We have been working incredibly hard, as individuals and in groups, to complete set work.  

Here are a few of the things that we do throughout the last couple of weeks...

Accuracy in measurement to the nearest mm.

Estimating and measuring every day items in the classroom. 

Online maths games - Prodigy Maths is a class favourite! 

We have also been working on a hundreds board challenge.  We will update you on that next week.

Room 2 are involved in a NZ project called 'Get NZ Writing'.  

This is a kit put out to 3000 schools New Zealand wide and involves working through a unit of work which ends in our classroom producing 28 postcards which we then send off to another lucky New Zealand classroom.  

For us this started with writing a Colour Poem...  we chose 'Pink'!  

Here are the students working hard to complete this as a class.

Here if our finished poem...

 Mid-term sharing assembly. Term 3, 2020 Room 2 would like to share with you all some of the work we have been doing over the last five week...