Thursday, March 16, 2017

Life Education Classroom learning!

Over the last week Room 2 have had 3 hour long lessons with Maria in the Life Education classroom.

Here are some photos to show you how interactive and interesting the lessons were.
It would be nice to have a look through these with your child and ask them about the things that were happening in each photo.
There were some very interesting and worth while discussions happening throughout the lessons and some healthy discussions to go alongside activities.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Colour mixing phase two.

After we had worked through having some fun mixing colours on our own we looked at two primary colours and mixing these to just make one secondary colour.  

We used a beetle outline to show primary colours on the outside wings and a secondary colour on the inner body.

This was a bit tricky for some children but most of them identified that they had made mistakes themselves and this was a great learning point for them.  

Here are our artists hard at work!

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Budding Artists

Room 2 started Art for the term looking at primary colours, red, yellow and blue.  
From there we looked at how to mix primary colours to make secondary colours.

Here are the children hard at work practicing colour mixing.  

If you get a chance ask one or two of them about 
how we make certain colours or 
what we get if we mix colours together.

I will share our next steps with you in the coming weeks.  

 Mid-term sharing assembly. Term 3, 2020 Room 2 would like to share with you all some of the work we have been doing over the last five week...