Saturday, May 19, 2018

TeChNoLoGy HoMe ChAlLeNgE 2018!

The following challenge was set for the children:
Just like seeds that are adapted to ‘fly’ when released from a tree, you are to make a device that will allow an ordinary table tennis ball to fall as slowly as possible (“flight time”). 

The following were the only restrictions 
on the challenge:
There is only two restrictions on what materials may be used in construction. 
No lighter-than-air gases or powered flight to be used.

We had some very creative entries and were very proud of the students who took the time at home to make these.  

Support Staff Day!

On Wednesday 16th May we spent some time making something special for our wonderful support staff members.  

Image may contain: 7 people, people smiling, people sitting, food and indoor

Children spent time thinking about what made each person special and made a card or wrote a poem to present to them at morning tea time.  

Some wonderful team work took place, with the children using their self management skills and team work to create some very special pieces of writing.  

Ka pai Room 2!   

Friday, May 4, 2018

Reflecting on our learning.  

We have had a wonderful first week back at school with children very settled and ready for another term with lots of new learning!

The children spent some time this week reflecting on the goals they set and worked towards achieving last term.  They then set some goals for this term.  Some children chose to continue working on goals from last term and others set themselves new goals.  Pop into class sometime this term to have a look at your child's goals with them.  

 Mid-term sharing assembly. Term 3, 2020 Room 2 would like to share with you all some of the work we have been doing over the last five week...