Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Circle time!

Each week we meet as a class to participate in 'Circle Time'.  This is part of the week that the children really value and find important.
They get the opportunity to celebrate success and talk through any concerns or troubles they may be having.   
With the weather being so nice we took the opportunity to do the lesson outside this week.

This term our focus has been around 

'Learning that we all have problems at different times and sometimes we need help to sort these out.'

 So proud of how well the children do supporting each other each week.  

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Reading out loud...

We have been sharing the task of reading our shared classroom novel over the last couple of weeks and many of the students have taken the opportunity to have a turn.  

It has been a great way to show how different it is reading aloud and how important 'how' we read is.  

Here are some of the students in action.

When we read aloud we need to think about our audience and allow them to picture what we read, as we read.  
The children think that to begin with reading to punctuation and using expression are the most important things!

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Shape fun!

Room 2 mathematicians spent some time this week looking for shapes outdoors.  We found & photographed shapes and then used them to make some resources for the younger students.  
Here they are hard at work and also a few snippets of the work they produced.


Special mention to Georgia, Gracie & Olivia, who made a treasure hunt for our New Entrants learners.  I have attached a few photos of the treasure hunt taking place!  
It was a total hit!  

 Mid-term sharing assembly. Term 3, 2020 Room 2 would like to share with you all some of the work we have been doing over the last five week...