Monday, August 27, 2018

The power of google docs.

This term, through our Science Fair unit, we have been learning about google docs and how to use them.

The children all know how to open a doc and give it a title.  They also know how to share others into the doc.  As we work through the unit we are adding information to the shared group document, this will later become the information we present on our science fair boards.  

Today we looked at 'commenting' and I added comments to each document and the children were able to look at my questions and answer them or change their document accordingly.  This is wonderful new learning and they really enjoyed the instant feedback that was possible without actually waiting for a conversation.
The group work is also coming along really nicely with groups well and truly gelled now.   

Friday, August 17, 2018

Editing Checklist.  

Last week as part of writing, 2 of our groups compiled an editing checklist.  
Here is the list they are going to work hard to achieve during editing time in writing each day.  


ü Re-read, does my writing make sense?

ü Have I used correct punctuation?
(full stops, commas, questions marks, speech marks, apostrophes, exclamation marks…)

ü Sentences –  
o  Have I used a range of sentence types? (simple, compound and complex). 
o  Have I used a range of sentence starters?

ü Have I used PASSAMOA?

ü Have I used paragraphs?

ü Have I used consistent tense?

ü Have a created MOOD?

ü Have I checked and corrected some of my spelling errors?

ü Have I achieved my WAL?

What do you think of their list?  We would love your feedback.
WRSN Cross Country.

Last week we had the pleasure of travelling to Five Forks School to participate in the Waitaki Rural Schools Network Cross Country event.  
This was so well supported by the WRSN communities and the children were awesome!  Thank you all so much.

Here are a few photos of some of our runners...
We wish everyone competing in the upcoming North Otago event all the very best!

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Today at writing time "Wonderland" was looking at PASSAMOA language features.

Here are some of our examples.

P -  personification
The tree danced.  Jed
The wind yelled.  Toby
The cloud cried.  Poppie
The waves leap over the rocks.  Zayvyer

A - adjective
The spiky branches.  Jed
The bright sun.  Toby
The angry bull.  Poppie
The enormous sun.  Zayvyer

S - simile
The tree is as hard as a rock. Jed
The sheep is as white as a cloud.  Toby
The sheep is as fluffy as candyfloss.  Poppie
The people ran like lightning.  Zayvyer

S - strong verb
She limped to the shop. Jed
I strolled at the park.  Toby
I strolled down the path.  Poppie
I gazed at the sun.  Zayvyer

A - adverb
I fell quickly. Jed
I grew quickly.  Toby
She sang beautifully. Poppie 
The cars drove slowly. Zayvyer

M - metaphor
The sun is a yellow button. Jed
The light of the sun is a gold bar. Toby
The sun is a gold coin. Poppie
The snow is a blanket. Zayvyer

O - onomatopoeia
Smash!  Jed
Poof!  Toby
Boom!  Poppie
Roar!  Zayvyer

A - alliteration
The popcorn pops like peanuts in a pan.  Jed
The sea silently sparkled.  Toby
Seven sizzling sausages on a sunny saturday.  Poppie
The trees wave and whoosh in the wind.  Zayvyer

We look forward to sharing some writing later in the term with lots more examples of PASSAMOA.  
Keep checking our BLOG so you don't miss out!

 Mid-term sharing assembly. Term 3, 2020 Room 2 would like to share with you all some of the work we have been doing over the last five week...