Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Rocks, rocks everywhere!

As part of our 'Rocks and Soils' science unit we went for a rock hunt around the school.

The children thoroughly enjoyed looking in different places and finding rocks that were a little different and stood out.

Once we had collected our rocks we took them back to the classroom and wrote stories to 'recount' the experience we had just had.
(next time you are in the classroom please come and have a read through our story books)

After lunch we used the rock collection again during a science lesson.
We looked at each rock and children had turns deciding how we could categorise our collection.

 This was lots of fun and everyone had differing opinions... this is when we decided that we could each choose a rock that we thought might not be in the right place.  The children took turns to move a rock and explain why.

We have a wall display showing how our categories ended up and a quote from each child stating something about one of these categories.  

We would love to share this with you in the classroom.  See you soon!

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Hockey for Room 2

We had a hockey coach come to school and spend half an hour teaching the children how to correctly 'push' and 'tackle' the ball.  

I was so impressed by the way everyone joined in and practiced these new skills.  Way to go Room 2!  

We are looking forward to having another coaching session again this week.

Learning to 'push' the ball... look at that technique!

'Tackling' for the ball.  The children had so much with this.

Such great sportsmanship while playing a class game.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Welcome to our classroom blog for 2016!

The hope for this page is to celebrate happenings from our classroom.  Photos, stories, artwork, events, reminders...
Please take some time to have a read and share with your children at home.  

 Mid-term sharing assembly. Term 3, 2020 Room 2 would like to share with you all some of the work we have been doing over the last five week...